Hi food and nutrition industry professionals! Welcome to SnapStudio55!

This is the place to be if you want to hone in on your content creation skills. In just a few short weeks, our students go from doubting their creative abilities to creating beautiful digital content they can charge for and are truly proud of! Our creative courses will give you all the tools you need to help you succeed as a professional food stylist & food photographer!

These courses are for you if you want to:

  • Elevate the quality of your content
  • Develop your skills, confidence and credibility
  • Stand out in a crowd of digital creators 
  • Monetize your skills and become a brand ambassador 
  • Gain greater visibility and secure higher-paying jobs

These courses are designed specifically for dietitians, nutritionists, chefs and other food and nutrition industry professionals! No special equipment needed, use your smartphone to get started now!

“I learned so much! I feel like anyone out there looking to increase their skills at being able to create a food styled shot should consider taking the course! My favourite part was being able to watch experts at work! My skills have already improved with a couple weeks of practice. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have joined this course.”

- Sarah Hawton, Nutrition Student 


“I’ve gone through both of the courses so far - I learned that you don’t need a ton of expensive equipment  (to take nice photos) and you can get started with your phone. I really took away how to create beautiful photos and composition, learning theories that really catch your eye. I definitely recommend these courses - Elis did such a great job, so if you are a RD or nutrition student I would definitely recommend them if you are looking to improve your skills in these areas!”

- Kaityln, Nutrition Student

Food Styling

Learn how to become a food styling pro through hands-on training that prepares you to manage real client accounts! Watch our instructional videos and gain insight into how the professionals work! What you will learn: 

  • Which tools are necessary for professional food styling 
  • How to select props for different mood boards
  • How to select and style various types of foods

Food Photography

Transform your food photography and create drool-worthy content for paying clients or your personal brand! Whether you are using a smartphone or a professional camera, this course is for you if you want to learn how to: 


  • Set up a shoot
  • Use the correct camera settings and angles 
  • Manipulate natural light to enhance your photos

Elis' Clay Shop

As a food stylist and photographer, I've had many challenges searching for the perfect dish wares to highlight my recipes! Most dishes are simply NOT designed for food styling and photography; however, the dishes in my pottery shop are! Years of experience and what I call "dish envy" has inspired my collection. I've made, by hand, the perfect affordable pottery products that will highlight the love and care you put into your recipes and content creation.

Welcome! I am so excited you are here!

Hello, hello!! My name is Elis and I am a Registered Dietitian, Food Stylist, Photographer, Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur through and through!

After years of working closely with multi-million dollar health & wellness marketing companies and brands directly, I knew I had a really unique perspective and skill set and craved to go off on my own!

I started my own content creation agency in 2016 with a few hundred dollars, building my 6-figure empire in just 1.5 years.

There was (and is) a HUGE demand for food industry professionals and dietitians to link arms with brands and develop authentic, innovative content and recipes for them!

In addition to discovering major career opportunities in my new found passion of food content creation (YAY!), I had universities asking me to speak about my business to their students and became aware of the large interest in others wanting to learn about what I do. I've taught 100's of students in Food Styling, Food Photography, Working with Brands and How to Build a Profitable Portfolio.

And now.... I get this wonderful opportunity to share what I've learned with you! I'm spilling all my industry secrets...